
Human AI grabs a $3.2M led by Good Friends VC

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For all we know from, the TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield is where the start-up participated in September. Here, it came under the limelight and culminated in a $3.2 million seed round. During this, the founders confirmed that changing the company name to Human Al will reflect their mission in a better way.

The round was led by Differential where Good Friends VC, Village Global VC, Keshif Ventures and Beni VC joined. The startup’s board will also be joined by David Magerman from Differential.

The customized artificial intelligence of Human Al attracted a lot of investors and according to the CEO and co-founder Suman Kanuganti, Battlefield’s appearance got a deal after four weeks as it led directly to investor interest.

According to Kanuganti the summarised massage of their demonstration at TechCrunch Disrupt is that the company, from the standpoint of both the user and investor, is about secured retaining and recalling of information of individuals by blockchain.

As per his report on the name change, the market doubted Al’s assistant as Luther like Alexa or a chatbot, and the founders required that the name should reflect the personalization of the product.

He also elucidated that the creation of Al is for the individual, focusing on real views and thoughts of users and how using blockchain they secure ownership of data. He also stated that Al works for individual humans and thus they thought of naming it, Human Al.

Various Al technologies can be used to search information chunks. In September, Kanuganti explained that the tool can be used by individuals for searching information.

At present, the company is still processing product refining and it is also set out for the target audience. But according to their report, up to this point, they got attention from writers in the creative genre, therapists among the professionals, interested high-tech workers, some students are also using it to follow school work and some elder people are using it for tracing their own memories for the purpose of biography. These users group describes the importance of Human Al in finding pieces of information from a pool of signals.

The diversified founding team of the company consists of two women, Kristie Kaiser, the designer and CTO Sharon Zhang. Also, they have an immigrant, Kanuganti himself. The company founders recruit new employees keeping in mind the diversity of the place. Zhang stated that this diversity brings different talents, giving everyone the same opportunity.

There are seven full-time employees and a working consultant group. But the company, aided with new funding, is appointing engineers and Al talent. They are also thinking of a position of marketing head which will help them to shove up the consumer Al notion. Now, the company is in remote condition with employees from all over the world. But after the COVID scenario, they are in plan to construct headquarters for workers where they can develop together under the same roof.

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